Pathfinder® Air-Cooled Screw Chiller

ECM Fans

  • Optional fully variable speed DC/ECM motors on every fan deliver premium efficiency and reduced sound levels
  • 3 ECM motor options to optimize what matters most
    • Standard 2HP ECM motors for high IPLV and normal duty
      • Optional reduced sound mode with reduced fan speed
      • Enable by signal/BAS or by time schedule
      • Speed can be prioritized to maximize capacity or to minimize sound
      • Minimize efficiency impact by enabling only when lower sound levels are needed, such as during nighttime operation
    • Optional 3HP ECM motors for demanding applications
      • Increase CFM to squeeze more capacity out of a given footprint
      • Increase ability to overcome external static pressure


VVR Technology

Featuring Daikin’s proprietary Variable Volume Ratio (VVR®) compressor technology, Pathfinder senses the precise amount of lift needed and adjusts the compression ratio on the fly to deliver optimal efficiency, regardless of ambient temperature or time of day.

Integrated Waterside Economizer

Pathfinder's closed-loop IWE, also referred to as “free cooling,” harnesses natural outdoor air temperatures to drastically reduce compressor work and enhance chiller efficiency. With energy usage levels that are incredibly low relative to mechanical cooling, Pathfinder’s closed-loop IWE can offer significant energy savings in the correct application.

Learn about Pathfinder's IWE